Thursday, April 10, 2008
there are very many equipments in ophthalmology ,which help the doctor to identify diseases.some are projected refractometer, slit lamp, oph thalmoscope,vision test drum,lensometer,near vision chart.colour vision test chart, tonometer etc.please see this and make your comments.dr jayakumar
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
as you know spectacles help you for better vision.there are different types of spects that are used for various purposes.some are used for correction of defective powers,some are used as sun glasses,yet another group is for cosmetic purpose.unlike in olden days,now we get very stylish glasses.there are cheap ones, and also very expensive branded are some stylish spects on display..... dr jayakumar
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
hi,my wife and myself had the good fortune of visiting dubai, the wonder land in uae.since my daughter and son in law were there,we had no problem regarding stay. it was during the dubai shopping festival,we visited dubai and it was a wonderful experience for us.dsf is worth visiting and really enjoyable.we spent nearly 20 days there and all these 20 days we were busy with travel, and visiting places of sum up ,it is fabulous...dr jayakumar,india
Saturday, April 5, 2008
HI, since i am an eye specialist,i thought i will project some of the common eye diseases seen anywhere .these diseases are not very serious ones,but needs treatment by an eye specialist to avoid complications later on.first one is acute conjunctivitis,conjestion of conjunctiva of the eye.needs eye drops as treatment
. next is stye .painful condition with swelling of eye lid,it can be inside eye lid,or out side.needs antibiotic o,intment.another one is sub conjunctival heamorrage,in which there is collection of blood under conjunctiva,painless condition,absorbs slowly.few other conditions are chalazion of lids,cysts of conjunctiva,corneal ulcers,cataract, allergic lid oedema,acute dacryo cystitis,herpetic lesion of lids advise is do not treat any eye problems yourself but go to an eye specialist and get his proper advise.some hidden danger may be there if you treat it yourself......dr jayakumar,trivandrum-kerala,india
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